Beam Me Up Scotty – Written by Rachel Zinman Yoga

What many people don’t know about me is that I’m obsessed with science fiction and dystopian stories. I’ve never been a big fan of The Lord of the Rings, but instead I’m glued to Star Trek and am as happy as a pig in mud. I’m not sure why I’m so obsessed with it, but it’s because when I was little, I wanted to be like my older brother, who would spend hours with his cousin building and photographing detailed models of his Star Trek Enterprise. I think it has something to do with what I thought. Take action shots together for fun.

Lately, I haven’t had much patience for a good novel, so I’ve been using Netflix to watch shows like Sense8, Colony, The Handmaid’s Tale, and my recent favorite, The 100. Masu.

What is it about THE 100 that hooks me? Unresolvable crises that seem to fold one after the other in a never-ending sequence, passing through every genre of horror, sci-fi adventure film ever made. is. Killer Bee, Rockness Monster, Blob, Frankenstein, Werewolf, Zombie, Cult, Raiders of the Lost Ark, King Kong, Jumanji, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Soylent Green, Rosemary Think Baby, or even Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. (Yes, for me it’s a horror movie)

No matter what decisions the characters make to “make things better” or save people, things never resolve as expected. In fact, in dramas, someone always ends up dying, being seriously injured, or being scarred for life. But somehow, after making a really bad decision, they pick themselves up, try again, and usually make an even worse choice.

This is exactly how I feel on my worst days about managing my diabetes. No matter what choices I make, the results are never what I expected. Even if I had all the right information, all the best technology, and great support.

Somehow, I’m back on the dropship, waiting for the next Grounder invasion, or trying to make Nightbloods in zero-G without spacesuits, or worse, bunkering in yet another nuclear holocaust. , and is forced to become a cannibal or die.

Of course, if you haven’t watched the show, you probably won’t understand what I’m talking about, but don’t worry. Living with diabetes can be equally nerve-wracking and downright scary even on the best of days.

My new goal is to learn to accept my decisions when it comes to day-to-day management. Like the characters in the show, he has to come to terms with murder, and hurting is how he regains his “humanity.”

When it comes to diabetes, I’m not sure we really need that kind of introspection. Rather, constantly reevaluating the 180 decisions I make throughout the day helps me keep moving forward with positivity and faith.

Like today, when I had 65% of my breakfast intake, I knew I was going to teach yoga to lower my blood sugar, but oops, it didn’t go down after that. I then spent most of the morning at a plateau, which caused my blood sugar to drop. Even if you fix it, the spikes will be high at lunchtime, requiring you to scrub the stove or move the furniture vigorously, and your insulin sensitivity will probably be higher by dinner time and lower at night. Adjusting like this over and over again takes effort, discipline, and awareness. Qualities I developed through my yoga practice.

Some people may think of yoga as science fiction. It’s all weird, woo-woo-woo stuff, using buzzwords like transcendence and higher consciousness. But in reality, yoga is what happens when all words, ideas, identifications, and imaginations fall away. It’s the base. Those that do not change. What does not change is the essence of yoga, you, the perceiver of every experience, every choice. Even if you make terrible choices and take dark and seemingly dangerous paths to a place you know nothing about. Who you are, yoga itself, remains the same. A path without a path.



P.S. Join us for all levels of grounding practices, perfect for these times we find ourselves in.

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