Can an artificial pancreas for type 1 diabetes provide safer blood sugar control? Here's why this study offers hope | Health and Wellness News

One of the biggest challenges with type 1 diabetes (also called juvenile diabetes because it is primarily diagnosed in young people) is keeping blood sugar levels low enough to prevent life-threatening drops. That's why an artificial pancreas (a machine that continuously checks blood sugar levels, determines the amount of insulin needed, and autonomously continues administering the required dose) ensures self-awakening for people living with type 1 diabetes. Thirty-nine studies found that it can improve outcomes. People from Kerala, Maharashtra and Gujarat.

While keeping blood sugar levels in check is a challenge for diabetics, developing hypoglycemia is even more dangerous and can lead to changes in heart rhythm, cardiac arrest, multiple organ failure, brain damage, and coma if not addressed immediately. there is.

What is type 1 diabetes?

This is not lifestyle-related, but an autoimmune disease that destroys the cells that produce insulin, resulting in a lack of insulin and an inability to maintain blood sugar levels.

What did the study find?

First, the machine was able to better control HbA1c (three-month average blood sugar) levels, with patients using the automated insulin delivery system seeing their HbA1c levels drop from 8.77 percent to 7.10 percent in two months. is. Healthy people have HbA1c levels below 5.7 percent, but diabetics can reduce complications if they can keep their HbA1c levels below 7 percent.

Second, time in range, or the number of hours per day that a diabetic's blood sugar levels remain within a safe range, improved from 44.5 percent to 75.92 percent. To prevent complications, diabetics should stay within the range at least 70% of the time. “For people living with type 1 diabetes, this is almost impossible to achieve even with insulin injections and continuous blood sugar monitoring. Usually people can maintain around 40 percent, but 50 percent “If you try to achieve a faster time than that, you could end up with dangerously low blood sugar levels,” said Joshidev Kesavadev, one of the authors of the paper presented at a recent conference in Singapore. the doctor said.

Third, the use of an artificial pancreas has reduced the time that blood sugar levels fall below safe levels for diabetics. Once I started using the machine, the amount of time my blood sugar was below safe levels decreased from 5.25% to 1.67%.

Why is it important to keep blood sugar levels within a safe range throughout the day?

The longer your blood sugar levels remain uncontrolled, the higher your risk of complications, especially heart disease, stroke, nerve damage, and retinal damage. “If you look at the life expectancy of people living with type 1 diabetes, Indians lose 45 years of productive life compared to just 15 years in the UK. If the condition is properly managed, you can live longer and healthier. This is where the role of technology, such as automated insulin dosing systems, comes in,” said Dr. Joshidev.

Will everyone be able to afford the device?

The initial cost of this device is likely to be around Rs 600,000. It also requires about Rs 25,000 worth of consumables every month, which most people cannot afford. With nearly 1 million people living with type 1 diabetes in the country, Dr Joshidev suggests there are government programs to improve access to this technology.

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