Continuous glucose monitoring can predict micro -blood complications for type 1 diabetes.

HEALTHDAY NEWS- The 14 -day continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) trace, which has been added to the diabetes and complications test (DCCT) data, can predict micro -blood diabetes complications, as in the glycated hemoglobin. Diabetes and treatment

Dr. Boris P. Kobachev and colleagues at the University of Virtsville University are related to micro -blooded complications of type 1 diabetes observed during the DCCT and established time (TIR) I checked. For blood sugar control. The virtual CGM trace has been added to the original DCCT data of each participant using the multi -step machine learning procedure.

Researchers have a TIR (70-180 mg/DL) calculated from virtual CGM data 14 days before the imaging hemoglobin measurement, but the centralized DCCT group and the conventional DCCT group are observed. Reflected, and discovered that it was TIR> 60 % and <40. The percentage of these groups. TIRs, like the glycetic hemoglobin, were associated with the risk of the occurrence or progress of retinopathy, nephropathy, and neuropathy. TIR predicted retinopathy and trace albumin urine, as in the original Grique hemoglobin data.

“We have demonstrated the risks of retinopathy and the strong relevance to trace albumin urine,” the author wrote.

Some authors have revealed their relationship with the bio -pharmaceutical industry.

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