D-Coded – Democratizing diabetes research

In a month full of great things happening in the world of diabetes, take a moment to pause and learn about D-Coded, a great new resource that helps you analyze diabetes research in an accessible, informative, and authentic way. This simplifies complex research studies, contextualizes information without losing insight, and provides a starting point for people with diabetes to better understand research and think about how to dig deeper if needed. provided.

One of the challenges of communicating research is that it can be very detailed, using technical language and complex statistics and data interpretation. Knowledge may be assumed that people simply may not have. There are acronyms, jargon, abstract concepts, and the details can be too long. That’s if we could see! Research papers are often behind paywalls and never seen in the first place.

Diabetes research is the reason we are alive today and gives us hope for the future. The research agenda is constantly evolving to find ways to prevent, treat, and cure all types of diabetes, which gives me great hope. So it stands to reason that we need to be able to access it in a way that engages us, interests us, and makes us want to know more.

One tactic I’ve used over the years is to ask researchers to break down their research into a single tweet (280 characters or less) or an elevator pitch. Most people think it’s impossible. Just as there is a language for lived experiences that confuses others, the language for research can be complex, confusing, and complex. (Don’t believe me? Throw in HbA1c, #YDMV, CGM, DIYAPS, etc. and see how people outside of our community follow what we say!) D-coded We do it for researchers. Everyone wins here!

It’s no surprise that this is from the team. Diabetes. Being led and empowered by jazz seti This community-engaged project once again shows how innovations in lived experience can drive change, in turn by leveling the knowledge playing field.

Please check it out and share it as widely as possible.


I’m a Lived Experience Advisor at D-Coded. Although I received no compensation for my participation, I am honored to have been invited to be a part of this project.

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