Ginger Vieira’s new YouTube channel, DiabetesNerd

i knew Ginger As long as I have been in the diabetes field, I implicitly trust her knowledge and experience. She was diagnosed with type 1 when she was 13 years old, has lived with both for over 20 years, and just launched her YouTube channel. diabetes geek. As her tagline suggests, she makes science simple for us. But don’t be afraid of the word “science.” You’ll feel like you have a cheerleader in your corner to explain things to you.

Ginger has already uploaded about seven videos, each between 5 and 12 minutes long, on various topics. As far as I know, there were two things he did that immediately gave me new insights. One is about type 1 metformin, which is using metformin to reduce the Dawn effect, and the other is about Afrezza, which is an inhaled insulin. I thought about this a long time ago, but maybe it’s time to think about it again.

Ginger has written hundreds of articles and several books, worked for many diabetes organizations and social media sites, experimented on herself for 20 years, is a champion powerlifter, and gave birth to two adorable, healthy girls. did.Look, I’m sure we all need it diabetes geek In our corner.

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