I’m going to prove that you can live a long life with diabetes.

All I know is that when I was diagnosed in February 1972, I was told there would be a cure within five years. I get it, you’ve been told that too. “Your life expectancy will be 15 years shorter than average.”

Well, this week will be the 52nd installment of my “diary.” The medal from Jocelyn above I received him two years ago when he crossed the 50-year mark. Due to the coronavirus, I was not able to travel to Boston to attend any ceremonies. Still, it’s good to take a look.

Regarding the second prediction, recent research shows that people with type 1 diabetes who take good care of themselves tend to live longer than the average American. My guess is that the average American eats a relatively poor diet of mostly processed foods and is not physically active.

In some ways, the more years you live with Type 1, the easier it gets. Become familiar with your patterns, get used to doing certain things like ordering medicines and supplies, and if you’re lucky you may have a few friends with diabetes, or he might just have one. At the same time, it becomes difficult. What’s even worse is that some kind of complication may occur and you’ll spend countless days wondering, “How did this happen?!”

Still, I’m grateful to still be here at this age, when I’ve already lost friends to other illnesses.

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