Measure blood pressure and blood sugar levels with college friends Christmas party game

A group of college friends decided to incorporate an unusual game into their Christmas get-together this year, reports State of the Nation's Oscar Oida.

Christmas parties are common these days, but one group of friends made sure to include monitoring each other's blood pressure and blood sugar levels in their celebrations. The person with the lowest result wins the prize.

Cha Bayo-Bordeos shared that it has become a practice within the group to disclose blood chemistry test results during the annual physical examination (APE).

“Tapos nadjo joke na, nun mage game na. O sige dito natin ano… ang mei pinaka mayos na bradkem may be admired,” she said. Ta.

Some brought self-monitoring kits.

“Nae excite kami na, okay, sino yong normal, sino yong mataas parin. Kamin rahat na pa healthsihan from NASA days,” she added. — BAP, GMA Integrated News

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