Robin Arzon supports early screening for type 1 diabetes: A call to action

Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is currently not preventable or treatable, and its exact causes are still unknown, but amazing advances in medical technology and science are making it easier than ever to screen for markers of this condition. I did.

We spoke to Robin Arzon, world-renowned ultramarathoner, author, Peloton’s Head Instructor and VP of Fitness Programming, and an idol in the diabetes community, to learn more about her T1D journey and her personal experiences. We spoke to learn more about why he advocates early screening for T1D.

Robin Arzón is Peloton’s Vice President of Fitness Programming and Head Instructor and founder of Swagger Society. Photo credit: James Farrell.

Key Point:

  • Simple blood tests that are now widely available can detect T1D in its early stages, often before symptoms appear.
  • Early detection of T1D markers can prevent the development of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). DKA is a potentially life-threatening complication that up to 40% of people newly diagnosed with T1D face at onset.
  • Renowned ultramarathon runner and T1D advocate Robin Arzon talks about her battle with T1D and emphasizes the importance of early screening to proactively manage the disease.

Diabetes autoantibody screening is a simple blood test now available at many laboratories across the country that can detect T1D in its early stages, sometimes months or even years before symptoms develop.

According to research Up to 40 percent of new-onset T1D diagnoses are diagnosed when the person already has T1D DKA, a serious and potentially life-threatening complication caused by high blood sugar levels. In such a case, 38.8% Of the children with DKA, they had at least one visit to the doctor before being diagnosed.

This is why early detection of T1D markers is so important. This way, if you test positive, you can monitor your symptoms and get a diagnosis before entering DKA.

Learn more about DKA below. What is diabetic ketoacidosis? and How to avoid diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA).

Unlike many people with T1D, Robin was diagnosed with diabetes as an adult in her early 30s, living and working in New York City.

she says: “I had just come back from a trip abroad and my girlfriend’s mother noticed something was wrong with me. She’s a doctor and asked me to see a doctor to find out what was going on. He encouraged me to go and get a blood test.”

Arzon said she and her family were in complete shock, as she had apparently previously been an incredibly healthy person. She says being diagnosed with T1D and learning how to overcome her chronic illness while running ultramarathons was a steep learning curve, but not impossible.

“I was lucky not to be diagnosed with DKA. I was diagnosed early enough that I was able to plan my life and continue my passion for running.”

She vowed to not let diabetes define her identity and to choose to live with the disease instead of letting it control her. She took this as an opportunity to empower her to pursue her own dreams.

By embracing this perspective, she aims to inspire and educate others about the importance of informed health decisions, including the critical role of early screening for T1D. Masu.

Learn more about type 1 diabetes below. Type 1 diabetes — symptoms, diagnosis, causes, and treatment.

“T1D cannot be prevented, but it can be detected early,” says Arzon. “You can get tested even before you have symptoms.”

She continues: “I’m all for arming yourself with information. Having options. You need to own the pen to the story you’re writing.”

Arzon and other T1D celebrities one pledge To encourage others to get screened for diabetes autoantibodies to see if they are at increased risk.

Blood tests are easy. It can be performed at most clinics. For very little time, energy, and money, you can learn whether you or a loved one is at high risk of developing her T1D before dangerous complications occur.

one of you first degree relative If someone (parent, sibling, child, etc.) has T1D, you 8 to 15 times more likely to develop the disease – That’s why it’s so important to get tested if you have a family history of this condition.

Arzon is grateful that she was not diagnosed with T1D while at DKA, and by spreading awareness about these medical advances, she hopes that others will have the knowledge they need to take control of their health. He said he hopes he can get it.

Although early screening for T1D was not available until recently, people are encouraged to understand their risks and actively manage their health.

Arzon says you can read more about this. The 1 Pledge Pledge on the website. She continued, “You can also check out the Doctor’s Discussion Guide so you can use your voice to help yourself and your family when you go to the doctor’s office.”

she says: “Not having all the information can make you feel helpless. This will help empower you. It may be scary, but if you start before you’re ready, you’ll actually realize how much more empowered you are.” I can see if there are any.”

Arzon says with a laugh. There’s a lot to know! I wish I had known that I was going to figure it out. I have always focused on what I can control. I wanted a fulfilling life! I wanted to have children, build a career, and run marathons, and I am able to do all of that while living with T1D. ”

she continues. “And of course I wish I had known there would be plenty of snacks.”

“I always have clementines in the bottom of my bag,” says Arzon. “I love making smoothies when I’m at home.”

“I want people to not be ashamed of living with T1D,” Arzon says. “It’s no surprise that we have a great life here. We should all be proud of that.”

Type 1 diabetes remains a significant health challenge, but advances in medical technology are bringing us closer than ever to effectively managing it from its earliest stages.

The availability of diabetes autoantibody screening is a game changer, allowing for early detection and management strategies to prevent serious complications such as DKA.

Robin Arzon’s story is not only an inspiration, but also a light to the possibility of living a full and vibrant life with T1D.

Her advocacy for “The 1 Pledge” movement emphasizes the important message that “knowledge is power.” Early screening can turn a diagnosis from a crisis into a manageable aspect of life, allowing people with diabetes to continue pursuing their dreams without stopping.

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