Stress and diabetes | Viasox

Stress is an inevitable part of life, and it’s critical for diabetics to understand how stress affects blood sugar levels. This post explains the relationship between stress, blood sugar levels, and diabetes management and answers important questions such as:Can stress cause diabetes?” and “How does stress affect blood sugar levels?

understand stress

stress It is a multifaceted response of the body and mind to difficult or unfamiliar situations. This can result from temporary events, such as the anticipation of a presentation at work or the nervousness of attending a social gathering where you know few people. Physical events such as accidents or health problems can also trigger a stress response.

Additionally, ongoing concerns about finances, relationships, or the loss of a loved one can lead to persistent stress. This condition manifests itself in many ways and affects physical health, emotional well-being, and mental state.

symptoms of stress

Stress often manifests itself in ways that are difficult to notice at first, and it affects not only your physical health, but also your mental and emotional health. Recognizing these symptoms is critical to effectively dealing with and managing stress.

Physical indicators of stress include:

Emotionally and mentally, stress can cause feelings such as:

Under stress, the following behavioral changes can also be expected:

  • Social withdrawal from friends and family
  • Changes in eating habits (overeating or overeating)
  • explosion of anger
  • excessive alcohol intake
  • nicotine use

Recognizing these symptoms is the first step to managing stress more effectively.

Can stress cause diabetes?

Although stress is not the only direct cause of diabetes, it has a significant impact on blood sugar levels. When you are stressed, your body releases hormones such as: cortisol and adrenalineleads to insulin resistance. This makes it difficult for insulin to effectively regulate blood sugar, which can worsen diabetes and affect blood sugar control in people who have already been diagnosed with diabetes.

Additionally, the experience of living with diabetes can be a source of considerable stress, especially in the early stages after diagnosis. The need to closely monitor diet, learn new self-care routines, frequently test blood sugar levels, and take daily injections can be overwhelming. This ongoing management responsibility often creates anxiety, especially regarding potential complications and the need for precision in managing the condition.

People with diabetes may also worry about hypoglycemia (low blood sugar levels), which can further increase stress. Uncertainty about when hypoglycemic attacks will occur and challenges in managing these attacks can contribute to a condition often referred to as “hypoglycemia.”

It is common for people with diabetes to feel overwhelmed by the demands of managing their condition. This can manifest as frustration, distress, or guilt, especially if you perceive that your management efforts are suboptimal. These feelings of being overwhelmed can be exacerbated during times of high stress, making diabetes treatment seem even more of a burden. These emotional reactions are normal and oftendiabetes pain. ” It is important for people experiencing these emotions to communicate with their medical team and receive support and guidance. If left unaddressed, this distress can worsen and lead to burnout.

Relationship between stress and blood sugar levels:

Recent research has further revealed the complex relationship between stress and blood sugar levels, especially in people with type 2 diabetes.a Research conducted According to The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center and School of Medicine, it highlights the important role of the stress hormone cortisol in this relationship. Cortisol levels typically fluctuate throughout the day, peaking in the morning and decreasing at night. However, in people with type 2 diabetes, these fluctuations are often more subtle and blood sugar levels are consistently higher. This change in cortisol profile, often caused by stress or depression, makes blood sugar control more difficult for people with diabetes.

This study highlights the importance of stress management in diabetes treatment. Notably, it mentions an ongoing trial investigating whether practicing mindfulness can help lower blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes. This is just one of many potential strategies to reduce stress, highlighting the need for individuals to find enjoyable and effective stress-relieving activities and incorporate them into their daily lives.

Dr. Joshua J. Joseph, Mentor the study, also pointed out that while regular exercise, a healthy diet, and adequate rest are well-known components of diabetes management, stress relief is an important but often overlooked aspect. Masu. Effective stress management is essential for health in general and in particular for her type 2 diabetes. The relationship between cortisol and glucose levels is only observed in diabetic patients, illustrating the unique challenges diabetic patients face in managing their diabetic condition. The research team continues to investigate the role of stress hormones in the prevention and development of diabetes and related diseases. cardiovascular disease.

This study highlights the need for comprehensive diabetes management, including traditional methods such as diet and medications, as well as psychological factors such as stress reduction. Such an approach can significantly improve the quality of life of diabetic patients.

Stress management to improve diabetes control:

Effective diabetes management extends beyond medical management to comprehensive self-care, especially during stressful times. Even during busy or difficult times, it is important to maintain a balance in self-care, as well as ensuring compliance with regular meals and medications. Trying to perfect your self-care routine can unknowingly lead to stress. It’s important to recognize that when you’re under pressure, you tend to neglect your diabetes management.

Incorporating enough sleep, exercise or yoga, and relaxation into your daily routine can significantly improve your stress tolerance. It’s important to avoid temptations such as comfort eating, smoking, and increased alcohol intake, as they can negatively impact blood sugar levels.

It can also be helpful to explore new perspectives on diabetes management. Gain valuable insight and support by attending a diabetes education course and connecting with others facing similar challenges. Communicating openly about your stressors, whether through a medical professional, a friend, or a support group, can provide reassurance and practical advice. Your health care team can teach you how to adjust your medications and insulin depending on your stress.

Remember, the causes of stress that affect diabetes management don’t have to be diabetes-related. Seeking support to cope with stress can improve your overall diabetes control and well-being. You can start working towards improving stress management and diabetes care by discussing your experiences with health care professionals, family members, and colleagues.


Stress and diabetes are closely related, and stress has a significant impact on blood sugar levels and overall diabetes management. Although stress does not directly cause diabetes, it can worsen symptoms and make the condition more difficult to manage. Understanding this relationship and practicing effective stress management techniques are key to maintaining health and blood sugar control for people with diabetes.

Viasox: Comfort with every step

As we summarize our insights on stress and diabetes, it is essential to remember the important role of foot health in comprehensive diabetes care. Viasox is dedicated to this important aspect and offers high quality and non-binding. diabetic socks and compression socks. Designed for comfort and effective care, these socks are an important part of preventive foot care for people with diabetes and neuropathy.

For more information and assistance in choosing the right foot care products to support your diabetes management journey, please contact the Viasox customer service team.

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