Study sheds new light on the heterogeneity of type 2 diabetes

A groundbreaking study by the German Diabetes Center (DDZ) Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology, sheds new light on the heterogeneity of type 2 diabetes. The researchers employed an innovative algorithm and used routine data to stratify patients with type 2 diabetes and visualize the metabolic diversity of diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes is a disease with highly variable progression pathways. Using an innovative algorithm, a team led by the German Diabetes Center (DDZ) used routinely measured variables to assess insulin sensitivity, insulin secretion, adipose tissue distribution, and proinflammatory properties2. Opening up a new perspective on the diversity of type diabetes. profile.

The study is a unique tree-like representation of the heterogeneity of diabetes, originally developed by researchers in the UK under the leadership of Ewan Pearson, and now based on data from the German Diabetes Study (GDS) and the LURIC Cohort. It has been improved using. This innovative structure makes it possible to display the different subtypes of type 2 diabetes, giving a clearer picture of how complex this disease is. Lead author Dr. Martin Schön emphasized the importance of the study, saying: “Our results mean that type 2 diabetes needs to be considered in a more differentiated way, and that there is therefore only one treatment for everyone.” It shows that we shouldn’t do that.”

The algorithm is based on simple everyday data that is available or easily collected by therapists, such as age and gender, as well as BMI, total cholesterol, and HbA1c. In this way, it is possible to early identify people who tend to produce less insulin or have poorly controlled hypertension or lipid metabolism disorders within the first five years of diabetes diagnosis. can. Additionally, risks such as premature death and certain diabetes complications can be visualized.

In recent years, DDZ has yielded countless results for the purpose of classifying diabetes subtypes. Continuous improvement of these subtypes is the goal of future precision diabetology, says Professor Michael Roden, Head of the Endocrinology and Diabetes Clinic at the University Hospital Düsseldorf and Director of the DDZ. I am.

Using simple clinical data to differentiate diabetes subgroups will rapidly lead to the development of new approaches to prevention and treatment, ultimately allowing high-risk groups to be identified and treated in a targeted manner. It will be accelerated. ”

Professor Michael Roden, Director of the Endocrinology and Diabetes Clinic, Düsseldorf University Hospital

The different forms and risks of type 2 diabetes can be easily illustrated and discussed with patients, adding value to daily practice. ”Therefore, these research results can be incorporated into daily life.” says Professor Robert Wagner, who led the study at DDZ and is deputy director of the Endocrinology and Diabetes Clinic at Düsseldorf University Hospital.The results of this study have the potential to change the way type 2 diabetes is understood and treated. Easy-to-use online tools already exist that make it possible to recognize and understand the biological heterogeneity of type 2 diabetes.” Wagner said. This could serve as a template for developing more precise therapeutic approaches.

This algorithm clearly visualizes the diversity of type 2 diabetes and the diversity of diabetes progression.


Reference magazines:

Shane, M. other. (2023). Analyzing the heterogeneity of type 2 diabetes with a tree-like representation: Insights from the German Prospective Diabetes Study and the LURIC cohort. Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology.

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