Carb counting for diabetes | Viasox
Carb counting involves tracking the carbohydrates in all your meals, snacks, and drinks according to your activity level, medications, and diet. This habit is especially beneficial for diabetics because it…
Carb counting involves tracking the carbohydrates in all your meals, snacks, and drinks according to your activity level, medications, and diet. This habit is especially beneficial for diabetics because it…
Een pleister met een chip die bloedwaarden kan meten is een uitkomst voor kinderen met diabetes type I. Ze hoeven niet langer …
In a recent cross-sectional study published in the journal Nutrition, metabolism and cardiovascular disease, German researchers evaluated the association between adherence to dietary patterns and cardiovascular risk factors, renal function,…
Last year, one of Canberra mother Adrian Cottell's twin girls developed diabetic ketoacidosis while at school. When Cottell went to pick up his then-15-year-old daughter, he noticed her daughter was…
Dana Lewis never expected her friend's dog to turn out to be a key clue to solving her mysterious gastrointestinal symptoms, but that's exactly what happened. Mr. Lewis has suffered…
The authors of a new review paper said that the management of cardiovascular disease is an often overlooked but important aspect of the care of patients with type 1 diabetes.…
To learn more about how diabetes affects love, we asked people with diabetes about their successes and heartbreaks. Comments poured in from people wanting to share their experiences. Diabetes diagnosis…
Keine andere chronische Erkrankung wächst bei Kindern und Jugendlichen so schnell an wie der Diabetes Typ1. Für die …
The Behavioral Diabetes Institute is piloting a new diabetes education program for adults with type 2 diabetes across the United States. Participants receive financial compensation, diabetes supplies, and a personalized…
Scientists at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine say an experimental monoclonal antibody drug called mAb43 appears to prevent and reverse the onset of clinical type 1 diabetes in mice…