Lactose intolerance education helps address diabetes and aging challenges in Asia

This is according to experts at dairy giant FrieslandCampina, who say that for people with lactase non-persistence (LNP), gradually increasing lactose intake can increase lactose tolerance and provide many health benefits, including type 2 prevention. It is explained that the above advantages can be obtained. Diabetes mellitus.

Most Asians are thought to be lactose intolerant, and many believe they are simply “born this way.”

“The truth is, every child born into this world can digest lactose. If you can’t digest lactose at that age, there could be a serious medical problem. Humans are born with lactose intolerance. So that’s almost unheard of.”Dr. Rolf Bos, Director of Global Nutrition Development at FrieslandCampina, said:

“However, sometime between the ages of four and eight, some people’s lactase gene, which is able to break down lactose, is switched off. This is why some people experience gastrointestinal discomfort, such as bloating, when they drink milk. There is a tendency.”

People from Caucasian backgrounds are more likely to have persistent lactose throughout their lives. However, this is not the case for people from other parts of the world, such as Africans, Asians, and Latinos.

For this reason, FrieslandCampina will co-fund a study in which researchers will conduct a 12-week pre- and post-intervention trial with 25 LNP individuals of Asian descent between the ages of 18 and 15. .

Participants ingested increasing doses of lactose twice a day from 3 to 6 to 12 grams for four consecutive weeks at 6, 12, or 24 grams per day. .

They submitted repeated stool samples before and after the 12-week intervention and underwent a 25-gram lactose-loaded hydrogen breath test (HBT). Daily gastrointestinal symptoms and total symptom score (TSS) were recorded during lactose loading.

This study showed that by introducing lactose into the diet very slowly, LNP patients can eventually drink up to two glasses of milk a day with mild or no gastrointestinal distress. Ta.

“This is possible because the bacteria in your tummy can adapt and break down the lactose in your body, eliminating gastrointestinal discomfort.”said Dr. Boss.

When lactose is not digested, it produces gas, which can cause gastrointestinal discomfort such as bloating.

“Bifidobacteria metabolize, or simply consume, lactose in the intestine. Very young children have the ability to digest lactose because they have high levels of bifidobacteria in their intestines.”Dr. Boss explained.

“Lactose is like food for bifidobacteria. The more food there is for bifidobacteria, the more bifidobacteria will grow. When there are enough bifidobacteria in the intestines, the body will be able to metabolize lactose. This eliminates the gastrointestinal discomfort associated with lactose intake.

“You’re basically changing the microbiome in your gut so it can break down lactose and prevent symptoms of lactose intolerance.”

The company believes this could have a major impact on the health of consumers, especially in Asia, where the population is aging.

“No other food or drink is as nutritious as milk. It contains all the elements that are relevant to people of all ages. This is especially important for people over 50. We , we think it would be beneficial for people to know the difference between lactase non-persistent and lactose intolerance so they don’t miss out on the benefits of consuming milk.”

In relation to diabetes, the relationship with milk intake remains “debatable”.

However, Vos says there is no clear evidence or epidemiological data to show that milk causes diabetes.

“A person’s dietary intake must be considered as a whole, including both micronutrients and macronutrients. This means ensuring a balanced and nutritious diet. Be careful about the fat content of milk. is sometimes misunderstood. The mechanisms of milk fat are different from other types of fat. Also, many studies, including a recent summary of six large international studies conducted on milk fat, The results showed that milk fat does not have a negative effect on cardiovascular disease or diabetes.” Dr. Boss explains.

In a second recent study published in Nature Metabolism, scholars analyzed data from the Hispanic Community Health Study/Latinos Study and found that higher milk intake was associated with a lower risk of T2D LNP for both men and women. I discovered that they are related.

They noted that the threshold of lactose intake before symptoms occur is much higher than generally acknowledged.

“It has been shown that most people with the LNP genotype can ingest more than 12 grams of lactose (equivalent to 250 mL of milk) at one time without experiencing GI (gastrointestinal) discomfort, especially if consumed multiple times. ” with other foods. ”

These researchers also highlighted the benefits of consuming milk in relation to improving the microbiome.

“This observation can be explained, at least in part, by adaptations of the gut microbiota due to repeated ingestion of lactose. Repeated ingestion of lactose promotes the growth of bacteria that degrade lactose, such as Bifidobacteria.”write the researchers.

Efforts are underway at FrieslandCampina to share the results of these studies.

The organization hosts webinars and conferences for medical professionals who it believes are in a trusted position to deliver messages to patients and consumers.

“Milk is an excellent supplement in our diet. It is a highly nutritious food, rich in quality proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. The mineral calcium is particularly important for bone health. This is beneficial for older adults because their appetite decreases as they get older, so they need nutrient-dense foods to replace the reduced amount of food they eat, rather than consuming zero-calorie foods. is.”said Dr. Boss.

For those who want to incorporate lactose into their diet, Dr. Voss advises doing so slowly. “Start by adding milk to your coffee or tea every day, and gradually increase to 200ml of milk to a half pack, then a full pack of milk.” Drink milk over a period of several weeks. The key is to gradually increase your milk intake slowly and consistently over time while monitoring your gut response. ”

In response to questions about the Dutch study’s sample size of 25 participants and the fact that it was not conducted within Asia, Dr Voss expressed confidence in the study results.

“The researchers determined their sample size based on calculations of what was needed to find convincing evidence.”he said.

“And these people are Asian.”he added.

We also asked whether the results of diabetes studies on Hispanics and Latinos could be extrapolated to Asians. Because there are huge differences in lifestyle between these groups of people.

“Symptoms of lactose intolerance are also common among Hispanics and Latinos. When it comes to lifestyle differences, they always exist in any community. If a similar study were conducted in Asia, I’m confident you’ll get the same results if you do.”said Dr. Boss.

Nevertheless, Dr. Boss expressed interest in conducting future studies within Asian regions such as Singapore for further research and spreading the message about the difference between lactose intolerance and LNP.

“Type 2 diabetes is very prevalent in Asia, so I think these findings are very important for the region. It’s also important to change the perception that you can’t undo being an LNP. .”


Loneke Janssen-Dighuisen, Ellen Loigestein other, Changes in gut microbiota and symptoms of lactose intolerance before and after daily lactose supplementation in individuals with lactase non-persistent genotypeAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Doi:

Kai Luo, Guo Chong Chen other, Variants in the lactase LCT gene explain the association between milk intake and the development of type 2 diabetes. natural metabolism, DOI:

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