drvmohan #DietandDiabetes #diabetescontrol In this video, Dr. V Mohan gives you the best diet to easily control Diabetes.
News Source
Poop, poop, shit, crap, whatever you want to call it, this is not really a polite dinner table conversation topic. So if you're at a polite dinner table, bookmark this …
Cara Mengatur Pola Makan Pasien Diabetes Melitus | Prof. Sidartawan Soegondo – DCC Eka Hospital
by News Sourceby News SourceUntuk mengatur makan gunakan 3 pilar yaitu : 1. Jenis 2. Jumlah 3. Jadwal Gunakan pedoman ini agar dapat mengontrol gula …
You've been eating the same foods for years, but now that you've been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, you're worried you'll have to make drastic changes to your diet. And …
Building the Business Case for DSMES | Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support (DSMES) Toolkit
by News Sourceby News Sourceoverview Building a business case for DSMES services is critical to long-term success and sustainability. DSMES can increase utilization of primary and preventive services and reduce utilization of acute inpatient …
Type 2
Researchers ask the question: Can yoga help manage type 2 diabetes?
by News Sourceby News SourceMay 22, 2024 by Karen Angelo The practice of yoga dates back to 2,700 BC and has stood the test of time, with generations of people turning to yoga for …
Diabetes Complications
Diabetes complications: Study finds men with diabetes at higher risk of health complications than women
by News Sourceby News SourceNew Delhi: Men with diabetes are at higher risk of experiencing serious health consequences than women with the disease, a new study has found. Irrespective of the duration of diabetes, …
Emotional Effects
Investigating the association between diabetes and mental health: A train-and-test approach
by News Sourceby News SourceIntroduction Diabetes is a demanding chronic disease for both individuals and their families (1). Diabetes is characterized by elevated glucose in the blood. Type 1 diabetes refers to the fact …
I received the announcement in the email this morning, even though it was published on June 4th: The Juvenile Diabetes (Research) Foundation, a long-standing and independent research and advocacy organization, …
Vera en Annelin hebben diabetes type 1. Dat is een vervelende ziekte waar ze iedere dag veel mee bezig zijn. Zo moeten ze …