Richland, Washington – by american diabetes association, March 26th is Diabetes Awareness Day. It’s a one-day wake-up call urging people to get screened to find out if they’re at risk for diabetes.
“Diabetes is the leading cause of end-stage renal disease, limb amputation, and blindness,” Dr. Hirsch said. “Early treatment has significant benefits in reducing the frequency of these complications.”
According to UW Medicine, the main difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes is that in type 1 diabetes, the pancreas does not produce insulin because the body attacks the cells in the pancreas that produce insulin. In type 2 diabetes, this is because it attacks the cells in the pancreas that produce insulin. The pancreas produces less than normal.
This year is Diabetes Awareness Month. Knowing what and how much to eat can help you enjoy your vacation while staying healthy.
Dr. Hirsch said the most common type of diabetes is type 2. Type 2 is usually seen in obese people. He said people with a family history of Type 2 should be tested as early as middle school.
Flaherty recommends that diabetics arrange their Thanksgiving plates according to this nutritional placemat.
“Whether you’re 15, 35 or 55,” Dr. Hirsch says. “If they are prediabetic, we have very effective ways to stop them from progressing to full-blown diabetes.”
Dr. Hirsch said stopping the progression is usually cheap and effective. This can be achieved by watching what you eat, cutting back on junk and fast food, and going for walks.
Hirsch says the root of the problem is lifestyle differences and the need for more exercise.