We use wearable glucose monitors as your personalized health data appetite grows beyond smartwatches and fitness trackers.
For years, diabetics have been tracking blood glucose levels using continuous glucose monitors (CGMs). Now they are commercially available without a prescription for those looking for special insights about their health.
DC-Regional native Shannon Menezes, age 28, is a training doctor who tested the latest wellness trends.
“The endocrinologist I worked with recommended that you try a continuous glucose monitor, even if you don't have diabetes, just to understand some of the pros and cons of these monitors that you recommend to your patients,” she said.
Wearable devices are getting smaller by about quarterly size. When the applicator sticks to your skin, it works and a small sensor tracks your glucose levels in real time. The results will be moved directly to the user's smartphone or watch.
If your blood sugar level is low or the spikes are too high, the monitor will send an alert.
Menesez said she was surprised by some of her readings.
“I drink a lot of sweet coffee, so I had very high spikes with espresso and Macchiathos and Frappuccinos, so they really shocked me,” she said.
“It's going to be over 200. And then if you set CGM to a certain level, and then you pass that threshold, it starts to beep,” Menesez said.
“At blood glucose levels, the normal reading should be between 70 and 180,” says Dr. Julie Chen, an internist at Kaiser Permanente.
“And patients can visually see what is happening as a body reaction to intake any kind of specific food.”
Chen said that more and more health-conscious patients are trying out techniques to understand not only food, but stress, exercise, medication and how they affect sleep.
“They may be really surprised that sweet foods like desserts not only cause blood sugar spikes, but also carbohydrate-rich foods like bread and pasta. They realize that these foods are aware that eating regularly is really not healthy,” Chen said.
Device prices start at around $50. It continues about two weeks before it falls.
“In the end I wore it for a total of a month,” Menesez said.
Chen said the profits far outweigh the risks, but he said there are some drawbacks.
“Of course, if someone doesn't have the knowledge to truly understand how the body regulates glucose, excessive anxiety associated with blood sugar spikes can make a person worry about their health unnecessarily,” she said.
Menesez said it was a positive experience for her and what she recommends her patients.
“It makes you better recognize certain foods and certain triggers you're putting into your everyday lifestyle,” Menesez said. “And then, I think it's important to take the next step, to track the nutrients you're eating, to see what you're putting in your body, and to make sure you're more conscientious, not necessarily educating certain foods or eating restrictive diets.”
The information collected by continuous glucose monitors is private and protected by the HIPAA Act.
Chen said there is no way no one can access your information unless the patient voluntarily shares it with the doctor.