Chronic hyperglycemic levels can open a path to serious health complications such as diabetes and nervous damage.
However, a doctor trained by Stanford has revealed a surprisingly simple solution that takes only 5 minutes to implement.
Dr. Shad Marvasty, Maryland, took him to Tactoku and shared advice from experts on walking blood sugar levels.
“Abid for about 5-7 minutes will not only calm the food and help digestion, but will actually lower your blood sugar.”
Walking enhances insulin efficiency
Experts pointed out that this advice has been proven to be important for his diabetic patients.
“Just cleaning up the house while cleaning up the dishes, or cleaning up things while moving around is enough to significantly reduce blood sugar after a meal. “He advises.
How about your blood sugar when you walk?
The science behind this simple hack lies in how walking affects the body insulin efficiency.
Walking helps us to use insulin more effectively while converting consumed sugar into energy.
Other effective ways to reduce high -blood sugar levels through lifestyles include eating more fibers during meals.
Fiber is a complicated carbohydrate and does not increase blood sugar after a meal.
Specifically, soluble fibers are identified as one of the most effective varieties of blood sugar control.
Drinking more liquids will help you adjust your blood sugar.
Charmaine Dominguez, a plant -based nutritionist who supports patients naturally to naturally reverse type 2 diabetes from Los Angeles practice, has recently shared an alternative to lower blood sugar levels.
She pointed out that one of the easiest ways to prevent untouched blood sugar is to increase liquid intake via water and sugar -free tea.
“If you drink a lot of water, it will actually dilute glucose in the blood and help lower your blood sugar.”
Sugar -free tea is particularly emphasized on the characteristics of lower blood sugar levels by nutritionists.