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Diwali is a time of celebration, family gatherings, and of course delicious sweets. But for those who need to take care of themselves, blood sugar level Leveling up and indulging in a festive feast can seem like a difficult balancing act. The good news is that you don't have to completely avoid sweets to maintain. healthy blood sugar levels level. With a few strategies, you can enjoy a sweet Diwali while keeping your blood sugar levels in check. Here are five unique tips to enjoy your festive treats without overdoing it on sugar.
Combine sweets with fiber-rich foods
Consuming something sweet with a fiber-rich meal, such as whole grains, nuts, and seeds, can slow the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream. For example, add a few walnuts or a handful of almonds next to your Diwali mithai. The fiber in these foods supports a longer, steady release of glucose, which helps prevent blood sugar spikes. The healthy fats in nuts keep you feeling full for longer, reducing the urge to overeat.

Choose sweets with natural sweeteners
As much as possible, choose sweets made with. natural sweeteners Substitute refined sugar with dates, jaggery, or coconut sugar. The substitute has a lower glycemic index, meaning it raises blood sugar levels more slowly than traditional sugar. These healthier alternatives can be used to make a variety of classic dishes. diwali sweetsreduces the impact on blood sugar levels while providing the same appetizing flavor. However, be aware that it contains sugar that can affect blood sugar levels if consumed in excess.

Use fenugreek seeds (Methi) which have blood sugar lowering properties
Fenugreek seeds are known for their ability to help regulate blood sugar levels. You can also drink a glass of Diwali soaked water before enjoying Diwali sweets. fenugreek seeds All night long. This water helps control blood sugar levels naturally. Alternatively, adding a little fenugreek powder to your homemade sweets can also help offset the effects on blood sugar levels.
Try tasting intermittently instead of eating continuously
Instead of eating all your sweets all at once, try enjoying them intermittently. This means eating just one or two bites, resting for at least 30 minutes, and then eating another small bite. This method gives your body time to gradually metabolize sugar, preventing a sudden rise in blood sugar levels. You can have several sweets throughout the day without consuming too much sugar at once.
How and why to start intermittent fasting
Add a little cinnamon to sweets
It may be hard to believe, but cinnamon It is a powerful ally in managing blood sugar levels. This spice has been found to increase insulin sensitivity and help the body use glucose more efficiently. If you are making Diwali sweets at home, consider sprinkling a little cinnamon on your laddoos, halwa, and other sweets. You can also add some to store-bought candy before eating. Not only does it add a pleasant, festive flavor, but it may also reduce the spike in blood sugar that occurs after eating something sweet.